Tuesday 29 April 2008

Wrinkles - Illustration Friday

Monday was a day of mystery not knowing what wonders we would behold as we were given our brief. So this week I am taking part in Illustration Friday, the theme is wrinkles so here is some of my sketch book ideas. I wad trying to get away from the idea of old people and try something that was a bit abstract but now I think I am going to give it more of a narrative feel and I enjoy drawing people so I went for a wee trip out of the studio. We are doing this with Jill Calder and I feel that it is unfortunate that we haven't seen so much of her this year because she has set us some really interesting stuff. (p.s. this is rehearsed compliment designed specifically to get brownie points because she is probably reading this)

I went and hung out it Elephant House in Edinburgh as it's always very chatty and busy, so I drew some people, if you ever go the Elephant house try the mallow delight it's really nice I don't really like hot chocolate but ummmmm. Anyway look at the image and see how deep and meaningful it is. Stay tuned. ^_^

Wednesday 23 April 2008

The First Drop

Good morning, and welcome to my blog. Making the first mark on a sheet of paper is tricky. So here is is first drop.....

Here is an image of a project I am quite proud of, I made a graphic novel esq solution for this. It was to be a relationship between two characters. The project was called 'Double Act' and it was set by Jim Mcbride.

I looked at graphic novels, things that would be considered gritty like Sin City and also more colourful and lively graphic novels like V for Vendetta. Also I read alot of manga aswell.

So I pulled up my sleeves and cut loose stencils the whole thing was made from stencils and I applied the type on the computer. Then i got sponge and caked it in old Black arylic paint and it ran under the lines and generally I was happy with it. It may need work with the type though, but I like the imagery. I need to work on the type abit more and eventually make it it into a small book. I'd maybe consider doing some more of this stencil work because I really enjoy it.

Hope you enjoy it to.