Wednesday 23 April 2008

The First Drop

Good morning, and welcome to my blog. Making the first mark on a sheet of paper is tricky. So here is is first drop.....

Here is an image of a project I am quite proud of, I made a graphic novel esq solution for this. It was to be a relationship between two characters. The project was called 'Double Act' and it was set by Jim Mcbride.

I looked at graphic novels, things that would be considered gritty like Sin City and also more colourful and lively graphic novels like V for Vendetta. Also I read alot of manga aswell.

So I pulled up my sleeves and cut loose stencils the whole thing was made from stencils and I applied the type on the computer. Then i got sponge and caked it in old Black arylic paint and it ran under the lines and generally I was happy with it. It may need work with the type though, but I like the imagery. I need to work on the type abit more and eventually make it it into a small book. I'd maybe consider doing some more of this stencil work because I really enjoy it.

Hope you enjoy it to.

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