Friday, 29 May 2009

I was kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates from Outerspace

I had to link to this comic (first comic) because it's one of my favorites and one of the rescources that helped me come to the conclusion I really wanted to do a science fiction themed project. The comic is currently of hiatus but there there are a number of issues uploaded on to the website to look at.

I've been really interested by Buck Rodgers which we had been watching at the series night at sciffy and other horribly cheesy science fiction. Also films like Barbarella as they include ideas of sexual awakening which I like to incorporate into my own work.

A quote from the about page

"So what is this comic about anyway?
Really? You want to know what it’s about? You’ve read the title and you still think it might be about two guys who sit around playing video games and making fun of everything in the world? Seriously, it’s about a woman who gets herself kidnapped by lesbian pirates from outer space. It’s funny. You’ll laugh."

Megan Rose was inspired by old 1950s pulp novels that often included science fiction, aliens and lesbians but they were often really sexist and so she formed a parody of this style of genre. Very engaging and humorous enthuses on the faults of this style of story telling like giant plot holes. Also looks at the importance of the fact the woman are all different sizes shapes and also that people enjoy this kind of fiction.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Thanks for stopping by.

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